PEGTOP  >  delphi section  >  articles  >  blend modes 

 delphi section 

 blend modes 
 normal mode 
 average mode 
 multiply mode 
 screen mode 
 darken mode 
 lighten mode 
 difference modes 
 overlay mode 
 hard light mode 
 soft light mode 
 dodge modes 
 burn modes 
 quadratic modes 
 additive modes 
 interpolation mode 
 logical modes 
 RGB modes 
 HSL modes 
 dark modes 
 bright modes 
 final words 


 about me 

How do Adobe Photoshop, Micrografx PicturePublisher and Pegtop XFader blend layers?

This article tries to give a survey of the most important blend modes, their advantages and disadvantages, and how they are coded.


normal mode
average mode
multiply mode
screen mode
darken mode
lighten mode
difference modes
overlay mode
hard light mode
soft light mode
dodge modes (color dodge & more)
burn modes (color burn & more)
quadratic modes
additive modes
interpolation mode
logical modes (XOR & more)

RGB modes (red, green, blue)
HSL modes (hue, satuartion, color, lumniosity)


survey of dark blend modes
survey of bright blend modes

final words (rounding, downloads, contact, links)
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